19 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown Shutstorm 2013: Late Nite Jokes Display Congress' Malfeasance In Office


A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown Shutstorm 2013: Late Nite Jokes Display Congress' Malfeasance In Office:

4 Jon Stewart videos.

From Denny:  Have you been enjoying the Washington soap opera lately - known as The Government Shutdown?  The word is that sometime tonight Speaker Boehner will finally do his job and allow the full House to vote on the bill to end this idiot shutdown and reopen the government.

Of course, there are conservative groups still urging members to vote against raising the country's debt ceiling to avoid default.  Those same groups also don't want the government reopened.  No one said groups like Club For Growth were smart enough to understand the global implications of such a screamingly stupid strategy...

#Dear Congress: Resign Women's All Over Print Tee

#Dear Congress: Resign Women's All Over Print Tee

more styles and sizes available for men and women; come see! 

17 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown: Venzuelan Chicago Marathon Runner Delivers True Grit Congress Does Not


A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown: Venzuelan Chicago Marathon Runner Delivers True Grit Congress Does Not: From Denny:  As the government shutdown has rippled through the global economy for two weeks now, anger is growing exponentially.  There really is nothing worse than selfishness and greed taken to the level of excess, rudeness and insensitivity to the plight of your neighbors.

To not take into consideration how the lives of others would be harmed by the political action of closing a huge government like America displays the height of hubris on steroids.  There will be repercussions come election day.  The American public will not just move on and forget how they and their families got screwed over by national politicians on a joy ride at our expense...

#Dear Congress: Resign Men's Performance Dry Tee

#Dear Congress: Resign Men's Performance Dry Tee

more styles and sizes of t-shirts available for men and women

10 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Daily Show Shutstorm 2013: Govt Shutdown Jokes Just Keep On Coming!


A Truth Journal: Daily Show Shutstorm 2013: Govt Shutdown Jokes Just Keep On Coming!: 5 funny Daily Show, Colbert Report videos.
From Denny:  While the  American Congress acts like fighting children, risking the world economy in this stupid government shutdown, hey, look! it's Russian President Putin looking like a global statesman.  He's busy destroying chemical weapons while holding Syria's nasty feet to the fire until that mission is accomplished.

Can the world get any weirder when Russia sets aside thuggish behavior and takes the world lead acting with the debonair class America used to display in eras past?  Kiss classy goodbye in America.  It hasn't happened in a very long time.  Maybe the country will get lucky and Texas will organize a recall election for Sen. Ted Cruz and other Tea Party guys like him...

Government Shutdown Women's All Over Print T-Shirt

Express your view of the government shutdown with the rest of frustrated America. Other sizes and styles available for men and women as well as other products like mugs and pillows.

02 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Late Night Jokes, Video: Syria, Government Shutdown, ObamaCare

A Truth Journal: Late Night Jokes, Video: Syria, Government Shutdown, ObamaCare: From Denny:  4 funny video clips from Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel on the government shutdown, funny political memes to keep you laughing through Congressional Stupid. 

Government Shutdown Women's All Over Print T-Shirt

Express your view of the government shutdown with the rest of frustrated America. More shirt and sweatshirt styles available for men and women.  Come see!

20 September 2013

A Truth Journal: WTF?! Theatre of the Ridiculous: Congress Finally Kills Off Whats Left Of Middle Class

English: President Barack Obama holds 3-D glas...
English: President Barack Obama holds 3-D glasses while watching the Super Bowl game at a Super Bowl Party in the family theater of the White House. Guests included family, friends, staff members and bipartisan members of Congress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Truth Journal: WTF?! Theatre of the Ridiculous: Congress Finally Kills Off Whats Left Of Middle Class: From Denny:  This ain't no win, Mr. President.  Leave it to Congress to sneak in a few laws that get little scrutiny or publicity from the national press.  Then, presto, it's magic! and the next thing you know you are up to your eyeballs swimming in debt, courtesy of your federal government.

Here's what is going on in Louisiana and about to spread to other parts of the country like the Jersey shore, New York and flooded Colorado.  Why?  Because Big Insurance has not been reigned in or disciplined by this President or Congress.  Quite the contrary, Congress and President Obama, like diligent workmen, have enabled the dismantling of the middle class by Big Insurance and Big Banks, eroding the lives of millions of people a little bit at a time until it has now amounted to a calamity...

Bear Name Large Square Pet Tag

Bear Name Large Square Pet Tag
Bear is IN the house and deserves his own special name pet tag!

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

13 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Funny Post: Russia To World Stage Declares, "We're Baaaack!"

A Truth Journal: Funny Post: Russia To World Stage Declares, "We're Baaaack!": 4 funny video clips from "Puss In Boots" animated film. Check out all the links as many are polls.

From Denny:  Oh, how I have missed the Russians on the world stage.  Affectionately deemed as Denny's Fightin' Yard Cats, the Russians never fail to throw paws (at America), amuse by pinning some unlucky misbehavin' ears to the ground in a show of dominance (to Syria) or provoke reasonable people to deeper thought on international issues (yes, the World).

At least the Russians "get it" about discussing world issues in depth and detail as opposed to my American government - and their lazy think tanks.  Those think tank guys spend more time dreaming up catchy political slogans, tweeting arguments on social media, yessing each other in an echo chamber and talking like they skim the news headlines rather than invest in solving serious world problems.  Come to think of it, much of that sounds a lot like the Russian Yes Government in relation to how they behave with Putin...

Funny Hello Meoow Woven Throw Pillow

Is your cat giving you "face" with this large meow, mugging you for treats?

 Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

Subscribe to A Truth Journal

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!

11 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Syrian War Intervention: Polls And Russia Step Into The Breach

sailor protest syria

A Truth Journal: Syrian War Intervention: Polls And Russia Step Into The Breach: From Denny:  Well, it's official; Americans see no positive end game in Syria.  Americans refuse to go to war yet again in the Middle East.  Because people all over the world are in agreement with the American people, suddenly Congress and this President are in a political quandary.

Politicians know going against the majority in America means the end of their careers - and a whole lot of historians writing contemptuous things about them for posterity.  Thousands of Americans called and yelled at their national politicians to stop this madness.  Yet why does President Obama still act like it doesn't matter if Congress votes him down because he will move forward and bomb Syria back into the Stone Age?...

Master Fearless Women's Cap Sleeve T-Shirt

Mastering others? Strength. Mastering yourself? Fearless.

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!