07 September 2013

Best Spiritual Posts: Step Out into the Unknown with Ease

Dr. Martin Luther King quote.
Best Spiritual Posts: Step Out into the Unknown with Ease: From Denny: This photo and quote reminds me of the ancient mystery schools where the spiritual path was taught over decades.

Students did not expect to learn spiritual principles in a few months of study. Students did not expect to interact with spiritual energy on the highest levels within a few years. Students did not expect to wield spiritual power until their egos were well disciplined, honed into perfect obedience to Spirit.

A true student of the spiritual path accepts early on that Life is truly a journey. This journey involves the unexpected and the unplanned. Life is not always as orderly as our emotions and left brain sense of the world would prefer. :)

In order to maintain our balance - or regain it quickly - it's important to root ourselves in the present - the Now - and not focus upon even what happened a few moments ago or what might happen in our future...

Just LOVE Women's All Over Print T-Shirt

2-sided design: Just LOVE is the shortest best message! More products like mugs, more t-shirts, pillows, stuffed animals, jewelry, keepsake boxes and blankets available in this  design.

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  

06 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Syria War Cluster F**k: Russia, Jon Stewart and Daily Show Weigh In On Dumb and Dumber

Host Jon Stewart in the studio of The Daily Sh...

A Truth Journal: Syria War Cluster F**k: Russia, Jon Stewart and Daily Show Weigh In On Dumb and Dumber: 4 funny Daily Show video clips.
From Denny:  Can this rush to join in on the Syrian civil war get any weirder?  President Obama, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Sec. Kerry created a new White House page just to sell this new American war.  It looks like it was hastily pulled together like some lame corporate power point presentation.

It's loaded with a short timeline, a few videos, press statement links and some of the properly slanted unclassified intelligence assessment pointing to chemical weapons use.  Of course, it looks like just more of a slick political campaign to influence the public.  Give it up, guys, this page won't convince anyone.

Latest Developments:...

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04 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Obama And DOJ Harassing 3 Million Voters - and Journalists - With New Tactic

Señalización de lugar de votación en Californi...

A Truth Journal: Obama And DOJ Harassing 3 Million Voters - and Journalists - With New Tactic: From Denny:  As an Independent and a liberal I rarely take the Louisiana newspapers seriously.  Most of their red state conclusions from the news are flawed thinking at best and so opinionated the facts get lost in the shuffle. Most, like my Baton Rouge paper, The Advocate, are too busy advancing the promotion of scare tactics from the Republican propaganda machine.

However, the facts remain to be seen clearly from the latest DOJ's suspect and downright sinister wrongdoing.  You know it's really bad when I finally write about it.  The DOJ is claiming their need for private information of almost 3 million Louisiana voters - and thousands of  journalists in that database - as necessary to protect the voting rights of the possibly disenfranchised, primarily African-Americans and Hispanics.  And what ever happened to my rights:  my civil rights, my constitutional right to vote unhindered, both as a journalist and as a liberal voter?

The rights of the many are getting trampled in the aggressive effort "claiming" to protect the rights of the few.  It is becoming more and more evident the DOJ actions are not truly about helping disenfranchised voters but something else...

NSA Watching Rectangle Magnet
NSA Watching makes fun of the Big Brother craziness.

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28 August 2013

A Truth Journal: Syrian Massacre: What Would Dr. Martin Luther King Do?

English: Bashar al-Assad official portrait by ...
English: Bashar al-Assad official portrait by Carlos Latuff (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From Denny:  What would Dr. Martin Luther King, the famous advocate of non-violence, do about this critical moment in America's history?  Who is manipulating President Obama to remove Assad by violence so someone hidden out of sight can take power?  These are the type of questions no one seems to be asking themselves in the American government.

What if the chemical attacks were done by terrorist groups like the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood that have infiltrated the Syrian rebels - or infiltrated the Assad regime?  What if those terrorist groups were using the photos of dead children to so enrage the West that America would easily be manipulated into attacking the Assad regime, disabling its most potent weaponry and military might?

The way of a terrorist mind is to figure out how to leverage a position of inferior numbers and an inferior strategic position.  What could be better than to leverage two large powers to go at each other's throats to destroy their credibility in the world - America - and remove a weak Islamic secular government from power - Assad?

Then the terrorists, who have successfully infiltrated most if not all of the rebel groups - rise in the power vacuum when Assad is killed or set aside.  Worst case scenario the terrorists/rebels cannot hold power immediately but manage to abscond with all manner of dangerous weapons for resale on the black market or for use in terrorist operations...

Peace Crown Mug

Wear your Peace Crown to "be the change you want to see in the world."

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

27 August 2013

A Truth Journal: Syrian Massacre: Will Russia Step Up To Stop Obama, End The Suffering, Offer Assad Asylum?

Map of the territory and area covered by prese...
Map of the territory and area covered by present-day
Saudi Arabia and Arab League countries. 

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Truth Journal: Syrian Massacre: Will Russia Step Up To Stop Obama, End The Suffering, Offer Assad Asylum?: From Denny:  While the American public is polling as against military intervention in Syria, the Pentagon and President Obama are busy planning to do it anyway.  They never listen to the will of the people.  A good 60 percent of Americans want nothing to do with war in Syria.  Only a mere nine percent support going into Syria. Who are these people? Must be the Lobbyist Caucus.

Military intervention should be the business of the Arab League with Saudi Arabia perfectly capable of the necessary missile strikes (with over 300 combat aircraft) and other Middle East countries as this is their region of the world.  Even non-member Turkey which is nearby has over 1500 aircraft capable of intervening.  Why not send Israel who would relish the job?  They are the leading military might in the Middle East. That certainly would prove nothing if not interesting...

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20 August 2013

A Truth Journal: Egypt In a Nutshell: Muslim Brotherhood Are Terrorists, Opponents To Peace

Suspects are rounded up near a burnt annex building
at the Rabaa Adawiya mosque in Cairo on Aug. 15.
Photo: Amr Abdallah Dalsh / Reuters

A Truth Journal: Egypt In a Nutshell: Muslim Brotherhood Are Terrorists, Opponents To Peace: From Denny:  Violence erupts in Egypt.  The knee jerk reaction is the Pentagon howls about what they might be in jeopardy of losing.  The Pentagon never does get their priorities right.  So, President Obama hurriedly does the Pentagon's bidding and rushes out onto the international stage to make their case before he fully understands Egypt.

The State Department is collectively wringing their hands that Egypt might become another Syria with years of civil war on the horizon.  And the rest of the world is shaking their head at the inept policies coming out of the American government that seems to be rudderless in addition to clueless.

Here are the principle players in this international drama:  the Muslim Brotherhood, the people of Egypt who want a secular government and peace with their neighbors, the Pentagon and Big Business defense contractors.

Here is Egypt's current situation in a nutshell summary...

Peace Crown Organic Women's T-Shirt

Wear your Peace Crown to "be the change you want to see in the world."

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

16 August 2013

A Truth Journal: Daily Show Video, NSA Mess Deepens: No-Deliver Obama Chooses Insider Only for NSA Review

A Truth Journal: Daily Show Video, NSA Mess Deepens: No-Deliver Obama Chooses Insider Only for NSA Review: John Oliver HyperLoop video.

From Denny:  Can it look any worse that President Obama, Congress and the NSA are hiding something?  First, Obama announced that DNI Clapper would be in charge of choosing the so-called "independent" NSA Review Board of "outsiders."  There was a huge fuss from outside watchdogs and the press so Obama changed his tactic to appear as if he is actually impartial.

He decided not to have your creepy uncle in charge of picking the usual suspects to provide an echo chamber and a predictable outcome report for this White House.  Instead, Obama decided your youngest sister would be in charge of the "independent" review by "outsiders."  He knows he can control what she thinks and says because he is the Big Brother.  The White House Shell Game advances yet one more move, hoping to confuse the public who really are accurately watching where the pea is hiding...
Spider Web Coin Purse

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* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!