19 July 2013

A Truth Journal: Childish White House Press Secretary Pouts When Challenged By Kid Reporter

English: President Obama conducts a White Hous...
President Obama conducts a White House staff meeting
in the Oval Office. Attendees include
Press Secretary Jay Carney. (Photo credit: 

A Truth Journal: Childish White House Press Secretary Pouts When Challenged By Kid Reporter: From Denny:  If there ever was a sign that Team Obama is unraveling and spinning out of control in their second term then the Press Secretary's childish response to a 16-year-old's poignant question in a recent news briefing is reflecting it.

Press Secretary Jay Carney behaves like a man who hates his job.  He looks like he is always sucking lemons and developing ulcers for some time now.  Clearly, this guy is not a good fit for Press Secretary because he sure does not know how to relate positively to the press, especially an ardent high school student.

Just what did this teenager, Gabe Finger, an intern at the snarky conservative The Daily Caller, ask that Carney found so odious?

Wizard Knows People Women's All Over Print T-Shirt

Check out this plucky wizard and put a smile on everyone's face.

15 July 2013

A Truth Journal: NSA Leak Satire: If You Really Believe U.S. Govt Then Awesome Investment Opportunities Available

An officer of the Afghan National Army looks at a refurbished Mi-17 helicopter 
during a function at a military airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.

A Truth Journal: NSA Leak Satire: If You Really Believe U.S. Govt Then Awesome Investment Opportunities Available: From Denny:  Does anyone really believe the U.S. government and the President about this NSA leak?  No, of course not.

Are the polls running in favor of NSA leaker Edward Snowden labeled as a whistleblower rather than a traitor?  Yes, the American public really is smarter than a fifth grader though it appears the military, intelligence community (IC), Justice Department, Congress and the President cannot match wits with the American public.

So, in that vein, do I have several investment opportunities for the bone-head stupid and the gullible in our government.  They do so love to participate in the game of insider trading, coming to Washington as paupers when first elected and leaving just a few years later as millionaires.  My own Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal did just that when he went to Washington as a Congressman.  Why not follow his corrupt example?  Capitalism careening out of control is alive and well, thriving in Washington, D.C.

Listed in order of greatest investment returns where you can gobble up some serious jack:

Wizard Knows People Kid's All Over Print T-Shirt

Check out this plucky wizard and put a smile on everyone's face. Available in adult sizes too.  Wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the fun!

* * *  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

09 July 2013

A Truth Journal: Funny NSA Leak Jokes, Colbert, Daily Show Videos

The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency....
The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency. The first use was in September 1966, replacing an older seal which was used briefly. For more information, see here and here. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Truth Journal: Funny NSA Leak Jokes, Colbert, Daily Show Videos: 3 videos.
From Denny:  While our federal government spins out of control we might as well laugh about it, especially since Congress is down to a ten percent approval rating.  Who are those lame folks?  The NSA Leaker Edward Snowden must have some seriously damning evidence about other projects or practices still secret since the government is downright rabies crazy in their pursuit of him.

Why else are the military, the FBI and the State Department all chasing Snowden and bullying any country that even considers giving asylum to him?  I'll bet Snowden does not even realize what he knows - or has in his possession - that is so terrifying for the CYA military and intelligence community (IC) if it were revealed.

Of course, because the Obama government has chosen to go down this stupid road to chase Snowden all over the world like a Where's Waldo episode, proclaiming him a dangerous fellow, it only convinces everyone that America is now a police state where individual rights are no longer honored.  More on that theme tomorrow...

NSA Spyware Sold Here Organic Men's T-Shirt

NSA Spyware Sold Here Organic Men's T-Shirt at Denny Lyon Gifts (Cafe Press)

Get your shirt, join the protest to mock the latest intrusion into the private lives of the world's 7 billion people.  This design available in more t-shirts and other products.

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

04 July 2013

A Truth Journal: NSA Leak: Russian Hearts Warm To Snowden, Ecuador Fights U.S. Bullying

Edward Snowden during an interview in Hong Kong. 
(Guardian / June 10, 2013)

A Truth Journal: NSA Leak: Russian Hearts Warm To Snowden, Ecuador Fights U.S. Bullying: From Denny:   Edward Snowden currently finds himself in the tender care of the Russians, supposedly America's worst enemy.  Yet these Russians are warming to him, impressed by his One Man Stand against the strongest world government which they have bitterly resented for decades.  While the Russians may also say they think Snowden's quest is probably a losing proposition they secretly hope he succeeds.

There is nothing better than witnessing when the seemingly impossible becomes possible.  Remember that One Man Stand of a Chinese student dissident standing in front of a tank during a protest and the tank came to a complete halt just inches in front of him?  That was impressive and cheered many human rights activists around the world.

Both of these acts speak to where there is one there is a majority of one.  You only have to stand and count for something, especially when it involves being of service to others.

Celebrate America Galaxy S3 Case

Celebrate America Galaxy S3 Case

19 June 2013

A Truth Journal: Colbert, Daily Show Videos: Naughty Government, Funny NSA Leaker Jokes

Stephen Colbert as the fictional Stephen Colbert

A Truth Journal: Colbert, Daily Show Videos: Naughty Government, Funny NSA Leaker Jokes: From Denny:  When NSA Leaker Edward Snowden poked the hornets' nest of the intelligence community (IC), the military, private contractors, the government and the Justice Department they geared up into a defensive posture like never before this week.

Their collective backlash was the usual heavy-handedness of the 800 pound gorilla, heaped upon one individual they figure is an easy win, which only made the government look worse to the casual observer, especially the enthusiastic voting demographic under the age of 30.

Clearly, the government agencies are laying out the case to the court of public opinion, hoping to turn the public against Snowden so they have an excuse to either give him the death penalty or send out another wave of assassins. It's a shameful attitude and excessive behavior.

Celebrate Chocolate Organic Women's T-Shirt

Celebrate Chocolate every day as a holiday!

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

Heckled First Lady Michelle Obama: Accused As Angry Black Woman? Come On; Really? (this blog)

Funny Quotes About Government (Dennys World of Quotes blog)

New Denny Lyon Design: Phone Cases, Handbags, T-Shirts, More: Fun Magic Coffee Fonts 

(Warriors Pearl Foundation blog to support homeless female military veterans)

Late Night Jokes, Funny Videos About Obama Scandals: IRS, Benghazi, AP (this blog)

A Truth Journal: Funny Fathers Day Story: Happy Fathers Day Everyone!

kraft zesty dressing

A Truth Journal: Funny Fathers Day Story: Happy Fathers Day Everyone!: From Denny:  Well, it's Father's Day and a hearty congrats to all the Dads and just regular non-Dads out there around the globe.  There really are some cool men who are supportive of women every day in quiet ways and you deserve some serious kudos!...

World's Greatest DAD iPod Touch 5 Case

World's Greatest DAD iPod Touch 5 Case

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

16 June 2013

NSA Leaker Snowden: Time To Bring Him Home Safely Without Delay

snowden_nyc10june_DSC_0019 (Photo credit:Michael Fleshman)

A Truth Journal: NSA Leaker Snowden: Time To Bring Him Home Safely Without Delay: From Denny:  Well, for the moment the assassins were called off taking out Snowden and they sure were surprised as that was a new one to them.

War dogs don't enjoy being told to heel, especially when one group had Snowden in their cross hairs.  Snowden has some fierce warrior angels looking out for him these days.  He had better appreciate them because they are protecting him on their own time.

Adding to the international drama stupidity, the typical idiot response from China is talking openly about kidnapping Snowden to torture him for details.  Let me share a thought with China.  Kidnapping Snowden is NOT in China's best interest.

Just Chill iPhone 5 Case

Just Chill iPhone 5 Case

Heckled First Lady Michelle Obama: Accused As Angry Black Woman? Come On; Really? (this blog)

Late Night Jokes, Funny Videos About Obama Scandals: IRS, Benghazi, AP (this blog)