21 April 2014

A Truth Journal: Funny Late Nite Jokes: About Putin and Russia Attacking Ukraine

A Truth Journal: Funny Late Nite Jokes: About Putin and Russia Attacking Ukraine: From Denny: While Putin lies to the world about his storming Russian military doing land grabs and killing innocent people in Ukraine, well, we might as well see what the comics have to say about the situation - and this weird guy, otherwise known at our house as Prancing Putin...

Keep Calm, Really? Potholder

Keep Calm, Really? Potholder

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* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

11 April 2014

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Occupation: Putin Rejects Peace, Release Crippling Sanctions

Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Occupation: Putin Rejects Peace, Release Crippling Sanctions: From Denny:  While Russia's government is held hostage by the Russian crime syndicate, it's the head crime boss thug, Putin, who continues to threaten weaker countries like Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia and Bulgaria.

World leaders actually believe they are negotiating with another head of state - when nothing could be farther from the truth.

What world leaders are negotiating with is a crime boss whose wealth profits come from the misery of the vilest of newer more potent drugs, arms dealing that enables genocide like in Syria, prostitution of little children and the slavery of human trafficking.  Yes, the Russian crime syndicate's human trafficking is operating in your home town right here in America and around the world...

Magic Coffee Fonts Modern Wall Clock

Magic Coffee Fonts Modern Wall Clock

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08 April 2014

A Truth Journal: Ukraine: Is Putin Hiding Fact He Doesn't Have As Big A Fighting Force As Claimed?

Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
(Photo credit:

A Truth Journal: Ukraine: Is Putin Hiding Fact He Doesn't Have As Big A Fighting Force As Claimed?: From Denny:  Does anyone else find it peculiar that Putin keeps trying to bully other military troops into defecting and giving their allegiance to Russia?  Putin has directed his military to force Ukraine's people and military to join Russia and fight for Russia during this Crimea crisis. They sure don't look enthused.

Putin's bullying young and older military age men in surrounding countries that were former Soviet satellite orbits.  Putin even tried to bully a Ukraine base commander into joining the Russian military, holding him for five days and torturing him this past week.

Yet Putin did not succeed.  The Ukraine colonel defied Putin and Russian bullying tactics.  With the whole world watching it wasn't like Putin could kill him on the spot.  Of course, that sure didn't stop Putin from sending assassins this week to kill a Russian oligarch, Putin's avowed enemy, in the UK.  Guess Putin figured no one would notice.  Are you kidding?

Easter Omelet Mini Wallet

Easter Omelet: Carry this fashionable virtually scrambled omelet from colorful Easter eggs!

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ CafePress.com  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!